Crystal - Lancaster, TX


We had our first daughter, Evelynne, in 2016. There were some pregnancy and delivery complications that we both overcame quickly. It wasn’t long after that we started listening to songs from JJ's lullaby album.  Those sweet songs meant a lot to me at that time and captured many of the feelings I had as a new mom. 

We got pregnant with daughter #2 at the end of 2017.  Melody Hope was due July 31st, 2018. Life took a pretty traumatic turn when, on May 28th at 31 weeks along, Melody Hope was born as a result of a placental abruption that earned both her and me a helicopter transport to different hospitals. I was hospitalized for two weeks before I got to meet my baby. During that time, Boat Song and I Get to Be the One were the two songs that got me through those very long, boring but emotional days. I was thankful that I was given another chance to be momma. And thankful my newest Little was alive. A very special music therapist encouraged me to make a ‘heartbeat cd’. They recorded my heartbeat and put it to music that I chose- Boat Song And I Get to Be the One.  Then we could play it for Melody Hope while she heals and grows in the NICU. 

Melody Hope is still in the NICU recovering from some severe brain trauma. She’s had two brain surgeries to date and is doing incredibly well. We don’t know what her future looks like. But we know that God has given us a front row seat to miracle after miracle throughout these last two and a half months; we know there are more miracles to come; and we know that JJ's songs have played a major part in calming this momma’s heart and helping me focus on my girls and the blessing it is to be their Momma. 

David Heller