Amber (Carroll, Ohio)

Photo Dec 15, 3 53 30 PM.jpg

JJ's music has been a special part of our lives since before my daughter was born. Shortly after I found out I was pregnant, I bought "I Dream of You" and would sing along to her while I worked on her nursery.

When she was born 10 days before Christmas, we had JJ's  Christmas album "Unto Us" playing in the delivery room. All the nurses and the midwife commented on how pretty and soothing the music was! Her beautiful take on Christmas music helped me make it through the pain so I could have the unmedicated birth I was hoping for.

Our little girl came into this world with JJ's lovely voice in the background, and we continued playing her music during the rest of our stay in the hospital. Music seemed to help soothe our daughter while she was under the bilirubin lights and was comforting to this mommy's soul during those sleepless first nights.